Monday, November 14, 2005

The purpose

When I started this blog, I didn't think about what it would become. I did initially think it would be an outlet for me to get my thoughts out and it would be a good forum for my friends to "talk" and check up on my goings-on. I didn't think too deeply about it, because I often choose not to think about things too much. My husband calls me compulsive, because I often make decisions that seem like I don't put much thought into them. I think I do put thought into them, but you can't hear my thoughts because they are deeply embedded in my brain. Anyway, Joe, through his skillful probing helped me discover why I find blogging fascinating. Aside from my initial reasons, I've discovered that I find deep comfort in reading about like-minded people who struggle and revel in the same things. It's not that I'm in isolation at home or don't have friends that I can relate to, but in my world it's sometimes hard to find people that think the way I do about the things that matter to me. Joe accuses me of escaping from reality and not investing in "real" relationships. Maybe I'm just different and it's comforting to me to know that there are those out there, somewhere, who share similar cares, beliefs, passions and problems. After all, how often is it that you find a bunch of people who share the same ideology, are at the same stage in life, AND live in the same area (and play well with your kids and significant other)? It's rare. It's part of our sinful nature to want to befriend only those who are similar to us; it's our comfort zone. Anyway, I value the community I've found out here in the blogging world and I cherish the quality time I have to catch up with my old friends that are not here with me, but I am also a woman of the physical world.

On a less serious note, I am officially lactose intolerant, but I think only at night (my stomach develops more sensitivities at night). Last night I came home and decided I wanted a BIG glass of milk. Big mistake. I had a TAE for hours after that. My insides were wreaking havoc on my poor little body through the night. I don't know how the human body just decides one day that it wants to reject something that it's been accepting every day in large glassfuls up until then. I hope this is not the beginning of my post-30 total body deterioration. I used to love my body. It served me well for 3 decades, with only a short list of minor illnesses (such as a handful of bouts with the flu and colds) and no major ailments. In fact, I can count the number of times I remember puking in my lifetime, on one hand. Another unique strength about my body is that I'm immune to poison ivy. I even lived with a roommate who had mono for a whole semester and I didn't get infected. And considering all the bad foods (and drinks) I fed it through my life, and the 2 healthy pregnancies it endured in a short timeframe, it proved to be extremely resilient and almost invincible. Sadly, my list is growing at a rapid rate in more recent years: lactose intolerance, random allergies to I don't know what on random days, eczema that makes me want to scrape my skin off, back problems that are especially noticeable when it's about to rain, occasional tendinitis in one arm. Please, God, I promise to be better to my body.

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