Friday, April 21, 2006

Your wish is my command

I know I am not God, but there are days that I wish that everyone would be a bit more agreeable and really.... just obey my every command. Why does everyone have so many opinions around me - my peers/colleagues (when I was working), my husband and even my own girls? I am not a very hard person to get along with, am I? I don't have a lot of complaints or make a lot of requests. I generally keep to myself. So, why can't people just give me what I want? Okay, I realize this doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

My husband and I had a debate last night about whether or not to buy a particular piece of art for our living room, which I like very much but he is neutral to, at best. I realize in the grand scheme of things that this is very trivial argument, although you wouldn't think so with the amount of discussion that was delved into about this one painting. It just happened that this was one of those things I felt emotional about and he was very ambivalent about. Is it just me, or is this one of the most frustrating things about marriage? It's just so much easier to make decisions on your own, especially in cases when the other person is going to disagree and happens to be a bit overly analytical at times. Sometimes I remember with fondness the days when I didn't have to think about checking with a spouse to make a purchase or major decision, or when my choices were not hindered by the presence of little ones. Sometimes I feel like my life is not mine. And that's when I realize God is teaching me that I'm not supposed to rely on myself and I am not in this world by myself. He gave me a partner, someone to help guide me through difficult times and decisions. And he gave me little children, to tug at my leg and remind me that this life is not about me. And he gave me His Son, to rest and find solstice in, not just when I feel weary or troubled. Thank you, Lord.

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