Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The eternal question...

for women, that is. What should I do with my hair? For the first time since the year 2000 I am allowing my hair to grow significantly past my shoulders. It is now almost down to my shoulder blades. What is it about hair that makes us crazy? They're just dead cells like finger nails. Why must we obsess about cutting it, styling it, flat-ironing it, blow-drying it, curling it, dyeing it, and perming it? I am even considering the latter choice. From the time I was in junior high through junior year in high school, I had a different hair style about every 6 months. Some of the times I was daring enough to cut my own hair, using a mirror and a pair of clippers or scissors. That's why I have such amusing school photos.

I have virgin hair. It has NEVER been dyed and the last time it touched any sort of chemicals was in the 6th grade when my mom gave me a home-perm. Bad move. I had a fro for months and was traumatized. What to do. To perm or not to perm. This is an even bigger deal because if I make a bad decision, the disaster will be forever recorded on TV when we air on reDesign. Can anyone dissuade me or assuage my fears?

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