Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Happy New Year

I trust that you had a pleasant holiday and are ready to jump into the New Year. It's been a while since I've updated. I would give you an excuse about how busy I was, but I've resolved to make no more excuses. Although I don't customarily make resolutions, especially the kind that I can't keep, I've created a short list of improvements I'd like to implement:
  1. Be content with the 2 kids I have and stop dreaming about a bigger family. Raising kids is tough and it's even tougher doing it right. We're happy. We're complete. Why am I not convincing you?
  2. Try not to yell and get so frustrated with aforementioned kids. I've been thinking about the way I talk to my kids and the way they hear me. I know everyone occasionally goes Alec Baldwin on their kids. For some reason I get a better response from the kids when I speak in a tone of voice and volume that sounds as if I'm going to hurt someone. Anyway, I've resolved to attempt other more constructive (and more difficult, for me) forms of communication. This also means that I have to be a better listener and learn to empathize with them more. I think it would be easier for me to just get a brain transplant.
  3. Along with #1 and my difficulties with #2, I plan to FINALLY take down the crib in Sarah's room (the one which she has not slept in for about 2 years), switch the office and the kids' rooms and get our closets outfitted with one of those closet organizing companies. I literally drool every time I look at ads that keep coming to my house for California Closets, or Closet World/Factory/Warehouse/Land/Universe. All right already, I'm going to redo our barely functional, barely closets. I guess I shouldn't complain - in NYC you could fit a whole kitchen in one of ours.
  4. I'm going to TRY to stop giving people weird looks (externally and internally). This includes my in laws, my kids, my husband, people on the road, and just about anyone who might tick me off. What gives me the right to judge you? I'm just as weird as the rest of you.
  5. I'm going to slow down on my hoarding. I'm starting to worry that my hoarding tendencies are making me clinical. I think I'm justified though, because every time I get rid of something, I all of a sudden need it again (just watch who's going to be pregnant as soon as I take down the crib). At the same time, I can't find anything I need because it's carefully catalogued among the junk I will never use again, but am keeping just in case. I think this can all be blamed on the time my Dad threw away my security blanket. Cleaning out the closets is part of my therapy and road to recovery.
  6. I need to not set such lofty goals for myself. That is why I'm going to stop my list here. I know I'm not going to work out, procrastinate less, make a family scrapbook and re-sod the front lawn. Or maybe I will. Well... maybe after I complete #1-5.

Here's hoping your New Year is full of hopes that can be fulfilled.